Interview with Charlotte Wallage

As Charlotte approaches the second year of her Training Contract, we caught up with her to find out how she's settled in to life at Wake Smith and what the stand out moments are from her learning experience so far...
Why did you apply for a training contract with Wake Smith?
I was initially drawn to Wake Smith due to its reputation in the city. It was important to me to train with a firm that has a good reputation and strong client base, which is something that Wake Smith has. I also wanted to make sure that I trained at a full-service law firm so that I could experience different areas of law throughout my training contract, to help me decide the area I want to specialise in upon qualification.
Wake Smith is a medium sized firm, so you get to know everyone, which is something I have really enjoyed from both a professional and personal point of view. I have made some great connections during my time so far, and have enjoyed collaborating with individuals in all teams.
Wake Smith is all about people culture. From as early as the interview stage, the staff are interested in getting to know you as a person, to ensure that the friendly company culture is maintained.
Which seat have you enjoyed the most and why?
My seats to date have been in commercial property, clinical negligence and company commercial. It is difficult to choose a favourite as they have all been so different.
Commercial Property was my first seat and was a great introduction to the firm. This was my first experience working in a non-contentious area of law so I wasn’t convinced that I would enjoy it, but it took me completely by surprise. I received amazing support from the team, and got stuck into a wide variety of transactions, even being able to run transactions from start to finish myself, with the support of a senior fee earner. I was also able to attend a couple of networking events with the team which was invaluable in building connections, and my confidence during the first 6 months of my training contract. Commercial Property is a contender for the area I choose to specialise in once I qualify, so I think that speaks volumes for the quality of my experience, as prior to my training contract, it was never an area I had considered qualifying into.
Clinical Negligence, whilst completely different to Commercial Property, was also a seat I thoroughly enjoyed. It was great to step back into the world of contentious law, helping to assess prospects of a claim, liaise with Counsel and Experts, and help prepare documents required for court. The team also make a huge difference. Whilst being experts in their field, they also place a big emphasis on building strong working relationships within the team, and often engage in social activities together outside of work. As a trainee, this is key to help build your confidence and your relationships with colleagues, and I am grateful to the Clinical Negligence team for welcoming me.
What area of law are you hoping to go in to, has this changed since you started your training contract?
I have always had a keen interest in employment law, and it is an area of law I have always found fascinating. I am hopeful that my final seat will be in employment, to help me decide whether it is an area I also enjoy in practice. I also have a keen interest in commercial property following my seat, which is an area I had never considered before, so my training contract has definitely opened my eyes to other areas of law which are now strong contenders for what I choose to specialise in after qualification.
I’ve not yet decided which area of law I want to qualify into yet, but my training contract has been invaluable in exposing me to different areas of law to help me narrow down my options. One thing I have learnt during my training contract, is that studying an area of law at university is completely different to practicing in that area of law, so having that practical experience before you set your mind to a particular area is vital.
As you enter your second year of your training contract, what are your goals for the next 12 months?
My goal is to keep my mind open to different areas of law, and get involved in as much as I can to get the most out of my two remaining seats. During my training contract I have also learnt to appreciate the value in building connections with colleagues and other professionals, so this is something I want to continue doing over the next 12 months. I am hopeful that the quality of my experience will mirror the first 12 months of my training contract, as this will set me up in the best possible way for qualifying.
Of course, my primary goal is to qualify in September 2025 into an area that I enjoy working in, and to finally put into practice all of the skills I have learnt throughout my studies and time working in practice.
Top tips to make the most of your training contract?
My top tips are:
- Always get involved in events and networking opportunities
- If you are not sure of something, ask! There is nothing worse than sitting and working yourself up if you are struggling, your colleagues are there to help and support you so make the most of their knowledge and expertise.
- Keep training notes for each of your seats to refer back to and keep a bank of precedents to help you if you have to do a similar task again in future.
- Use the other trainees as your support network. I can’t speak highly enough of the trainees I have had around me and how they have helped me navigate my time as a trainee so far.
- Most of all, enjoy it! A training contract is something you have worked hard to achieve, and the 2 years will fly by, so try and soak up every minute and make the most out of each of your seats.
Top tips for settling into a new seat?
- Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask questions. You are not expected to know everything from day one, your team are there to support you.
- Use your fellow trainees for support. We have all been in the same position and can help you with any questions you have.
- Take plenty of training notes to refer back to, and if something doesn’t make sense, try and use resources available to you to better your understanding.
Applications for our 2026 intake are now closed. Sign up to our Training Contract Opportunities mailing list to hear from us when our next intake opens.
To hear more from Charlotte and our current trainees watch our webinar 'Insights to Wake Smith Training Contracts' click below.
Published 07/10/24