If you live alone and don’t have much to your name – do you need a will?

Wake Smith Solicitors 29 October 2019
If you live alone and don’t have much to your name – do you need a will?

If you are single and live in a rented house or flat, and have no children and a small amount of savings, do you need a Will? Suzanne Porter, director and head of the Private Client team at Wake Smith Solicitors…

Greening the corporate world - making your business more eco-friendly

Wake Smith Solicitors 28 October 2019
Greening the corporate world - making your business more eco-friendly

With the pressing need to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Holly Abbott–Cragg from the Corporate Commercial Department at Wake Smith Solicitors looks at how businesses can do their bit in the bid to…

Brexit - 23rd October 2019

Wake Smith Solicitors 23 October 2019
Brexit - 23rd October 2019

Nick Lambert, chairman at Wake Smith Solicitors looks at the latest Brexit news.

Can I give money away to avoid inheritance tax?

Wake Smith Solicitors 21 October 2019
Can I give money away to avoid inheritance tax?

Depending on the size of your estate, a large proportion of it may be payable to HMRC in inheritance tax when you pass away. On your death, you will have a nil rate band sum of money which is tax free on your death…

Wake Smith advises on Juratek Limited MBO

Wake Smith Solicitors 17 October 2019
Wake Smith advises on Juratek Limited MBO

A management buy-out has completed at a Doncaster automotive supplier with the help of Wake Smith Solicitors. Sheffield’s Wake Smith team up with accountants Shorts and HSBC to act as legal representatives, advisors…

Brexit Update - 16th October 2019

Wake Smith Solicitors 16 October 2019
Brexit Update - 16th October 2019

Wake Smith chairman Nick Lambert looks at the latest Brexit news... This week is being billed as crunch time for the Prime Minister's crucial talks with the EU on his proposed, revised Brexit deal. The key reason…

Banking and finance advice adds up for Wake Smith

Wake Smith Solicitors 14 October 2019
Banking and finance advice adds up for Wake Smith

Wake Smith Solicitors’ expertise in banking and finance has earned the company increased rankings by organisers of the national benchmark for the best of the legal profession.

Protect yourself with professional advice for LPAs

Wake Smith Solicitors 08 October 2019
Protect yourself with professional advice for LPAs

Sensible planning for the future through professional advice means you can have peace of mind should the worst happen, says Wake Smith Solicitors’ Private Client director Suzanne Porter. A Lasting Power of Attorney…

Brexit - 8th October 2019

Wake Smith Solicitors 08 October 2019
Brexit - 8th October 2019

Wake Smith chairman Nick Lambert looks at the latest Brexit news... Following the recent Supreme Court ruling over the Prime Minister's prorogation of Parliament, which found the action to be unlawful, we have…

Wake Smith boosts legal and support team

Wake Smith Solicitors 02 October 2019
Wake Smith boosts legal and support team

Wake Smith Solicitors has boosted its legal team and support operations with five appointments. Solicitor Matthew Duffy joins the Commercial Property team from Wosskow Brown where he completed his training contract…



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